Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A blog called "Spot"

Why a blog called "Spot"?

Why not?

When I was learning to read at school, we had a reader about some kids and a dog called Spot, when my kids were little they used to like books (and the TV show) about a different dog who was also called Spot.

On the TV show "Star Trek" the android, Data, has a cat called Spot.

So ... after some absent minded daydreaming earlier this evening (about how my other blogs are here on blogSPOT) ... I decided to have a blog called Spot

Now ... I guess I had better go and edit it and add my bits to it, and change a few of the weird colours that it has on the template that I used. (knowing a little bit of basic html comes in handy ... could also be dangerous too I guess - especially seeing that the only html I know is what I have worked out/taught myself while messing around with web pages and blogs and stuff! ;-)

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