Saturday, June 02, 2007


Diesel, in the garden, a few weeks ago:

I think he was "helping" me take photos of some insect I had just found and put in the bush

Here he is, a few years ago (Feb2003), in almost the same bit of garden (within a few feet)

Another cute photo from Feb 2003

and another ...
and another ...

we found him asleep on the bed - he had just had a bath ...

... and his fur was all "crinkly"

anyway ... that is enough digging around in really old photos ...

Here is one I took this year ... but it was several weeks ago:
yes - he loves eating cauliflower!

... and pumpkin!

... that was a few weeks ago ... I threw some old seeds into the vegetable garden late last year, and up popped a couple of bean and pea plants, and several pumpkin plants ... and the pumpkin plants grew, and grew, and grew ... all over the vege patch and out over the lawn ... and Diesel thought they were wonderful - he would go outside and walk around sniffing amongst them and then come inside ... and we could tell what he had been doing from the weird smell - pumpkin leaves have a distinctive weird smell about them, which seems to 'stick' to his fur or something ... because it would take several hours before the fur on his head didn't smell funny any more!
Once the pumpkins started growing, he started chewing the little ones that fell off, and one day DD (dear daughter) and I went outside and found this pumpkin in the middle of the back lawn ... went over to look at it and Diesel came and dragged it over to where he likes to lie, and started eating it ... I think he may have been the one who picked it too ... LOL

For some odd reason, he always has liked eating vegetables ... he eats most "people food" ;-)
... but he does seem to really like cauliflower and broccoli and pumpkin etc ... and of all odd things - he really adores wasabi cashews! (yes - hot and spicey ... makes him drool but he keeps coming back for more - he ate a whole packet of them once!)

anyway ... I have other stuff I should be doing, rather than this ...